Basel, 29.04.2024
🌟 Basel Chamber of Commerce & IMMANO.CH 🌟
We are thrilled to announce that IMMANO is now an official member of the Basel Chamber of Commerce! We were warmly welcomed at the New Member Event, where we had the chance to meet other new members and familiarize ourselves with the Chamber of Commerce.
At IMMANO, we firmly believe that active participation in the business community is essential. The Chamber serves as a catalyst for economic growth, and we are proud to contribute to this dynamic environment.
We look forward to collaborating with other members to achieve shared objectives and expand our network. Here’s to a fruitful partnership!
Willkommen bei IMMANO, wo Fachwissen auf Unabhängigkeit trifft, um Ihnen eine umfassende Lösung für alle Ihre Immobilien- und Hypothekenbedürfnisse zu bieten. Dank der 10-jährigen Branchenerfahrung unserer Experten werden Sie von uns als Wegweiser zum Erreichen Ihrer Immobilien- und Hypothekenziele profitieren.
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